.::Registering a Domain
DNS (Domain Name Service) is the means of identifying an IP address of a computer connected to the internet. Every domain name has an extension which is called a TLD (Top Level Domain) which describes the identity of the domain name.
com - commercial business
edu - Educational institutions
mil - Military
org - Organizations & Charities
gov - Government agencies
net - Computer Networks
When a Domain is entered into the address bar of a web browser the computer
will request the domain's information from a DNS Server (usually located at
your ISP) which indexes all of the domains and their IP Addresses. DNS
Servers are also used to tell the computer where to send email.
Practically every business has a domain, these are useful for creating a
central business presence such as email etc. Domains are relatively cheap
they range from $15usd to $90usd. You can register your domain at Server101.
.::Think Internationally
.com .org & .net are not the only domains available for registration. You
can also register country code specific domains like .com.au, .za, .co.uk .
These can also be added to your site for a more 'international' look. If you
are looking at registering a domain I would urge you to do it as soon as
possible, thousands of domains are being registered every day so make sure
you don't miss out.
.::How to register a domain
If you would like to register a domain simply follow the link to Server101's
Domain Registration area and enter your desired domain name in the register
a new domain field.
The domain you attempt may not be available and you may have to try a
variation of your original attempt. Once you have found a domain that is
free, hit the 'Reserve Now!' button. The next page will ask you to set up
your Domain Management Profile. You will use this profile to change
information such as billing, tech & contact information and nameserver info.
Once you have entered the details of your domain profile you can then
proceed onto the next page by pressing the Next button. This is the Domain
Registration form. Here you will enter your contact, billing & tech
information, number of years you want the domain registered for and payment
The next page will ask you to verify all of the details you have entered.
Once the registration request has gone through we will authorize your
registration and finalize the domain.
Most registrations take no longer than 24 hours to complete. You will
receive an email that your registration has heen finalized and your domain
is available. You can then map your domain to your account from within the
Member Services at Server101.