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Planning is an important element of developing a website. Careful consideration must go into how you want you company's presence portrayed on the Internet.

When you're planning the development of your website it is important to keep in mind that your website must be a consistent reflection of your company. Like your letterhead, business cards, brochures, etc., maintain consistency by building your corporate colours and logo into the theme of your website and you will stand out from others.

.::Include your employees in the fun
Everyobdy in your company should be involved with the planning and conception of the website. Your employees know your company better than a web designer.

.::What do you want ?
What should you achieve with your companies website? Are you going to sell products online or take customer inquiries?

.::Plan Simple
Keep your navigation simple throughout your website. If it takes a customer any more than 3 clicks to get to the information they want, its possible they will loose interest.

.::Create for your customers
Address your target market, you should already know about your customers needs and expectations. Make sure you include all relevant information in your website and keep it straight forward. Consumers have a short attention span on the Internet. It's easier to go to a website than it is to go across town to a competitor's store.

.::Target your competitors weak points
Look at competitors' websites and see what they're doing and what their not. If you can see a hole in their sales pitch or something critical has been left out of their site make sure you have it.